Monday, May 2, 2016

Step 27: With the Help of my Friends

I was recently speaking with a prospective student about the elements of this program that stood out to me as particularly valuable, and I realized that one that I have not touted loudly enough throughout this blog is my dependence on my cohort. I cannot imagine having gone through this year without them. To have a group of classmates/colleagues/friends who are sharing my excitement and my frustrations in the Penn classroom, the elementary school classroom, and everything in between, has made every challenge much easier to endure, and every high much more fun to celebrate! Pragmatically speaking, it has also been helpful to have a built-in group of 30 people who know my class schedule and assignments. Most importantly, however, is the fact that I now have a group of new friends who are working toward a similar goal. Even though I will be leaving Philadelphia at the end of this program, I will doubtlessly rely on these friends as I face the tremendous difficulties of my new teaching career. And just as we faced 10 miles together in the cold and rain, I am confident that we can endure other challenging conditions with each others' encouragement and support!

TEP classmates facing the wet Broad Street Run this weekend!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Step 26: The Home Stretch

Believe it or not, I submitted my last project of graduate school last night. As previously described, the Term V assignment is the Inquiry Portfolio, in which we develop a question to examine through our student teaching experiences. Our question thus serves as a lens through which we can reflect back on our year; in addition to this reflective purpose this project also gives us experience in using our classroom for teacher action research in the future. As a former education researcher, I found the Inquiry Portfolio to be a great opportunity to link theory I had previously explored to the classroom practice that I am currently engrossed in.

When I recognized this connection, I actually changed my Inquiry Topic to something that I studied in my former work. In the past I was particularly interested in researching the effect of noncognitive factors on student success. These include a wide variety of feelings and concepts that students get out of school that are not specifically academic in nature. A well-researched noncognitive factor is self-efficacy, or a students' belief in his or her ability to succeed. In the past I have evaluated and written about the extent to which increasing students' perceptions of self-efficacy positively influences their performance (academic and behavioral); and so in this portfolio, I took the opportunity to explore the ways in which, as a teacher, I could build self-efficacy. This link between my past work and future career was a fitting culmination of my time in this program. And yet, interestingly, this all seems somewhat anticlimactic. Indeed, I am left somewhat "unsatisfied" - though by this I do not mean that I am disappointed. Rather, I think that this sense of dissatisfaction comes largely from the fact that I am not "done" with anything. Although my coursework is mostly over, my preparation as a teacher has only really just begun.

Logistically, however, the year really is wrapping up. We have two seminar classes remaining, and the last day of student teaching is next Friday!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Step 25: Bucket list

As my time in Philadelphia begins to wrap up, I am working my way through a bucket list of (mostly food-related) gems in this city - and let me tell you, Philadelphia is full of great ones! Hosting guests last weekend motivated me to do quite a few of them and I figured I could share them with you so you can start your list much earlier in your time here.  In no particular order, here are some fun Philly experiences I put off until the end of my year, and now I wish I had more time to go back to!
  • See The Moth Story Slam at World Cafe Live. This performance venue is super close to campus and yet it took me until April to get there. This is especially shameful because The Moth is one of my favorite npr shows/podcasts, and this live story slam takes place monthly right here in University City! One of my favorite nights in Philly so far was the one I spent last Monday eating delicious appetizers and listening to these stories at the World Cafe.
  • Wandering around South Philly and eating Italian pastries - I recommend those at Termini Bros, whose cannoli and cookies are incredible.
  • Dinner and/or drinks at Frankford Hall: I finally made it to this beer garden last weekend and kicked myself for not having spent all of last summer there! With Jenga on every table, face-sized pretzels, and excellent beer, there is something for everyone here!
  • The Franklin Institute and Philadelphia Museum of Art: Philadelphia has a lot of wonderful museums, and luckily for grad students, many offer discounted/free entry on certain weekends/nights/etc. Last week I visited an awesome Pixar exhibit at The Franklin Institute (the local science museum) which I would highly recommend, as well as a pop art exhibit at the art museum! Keep your eye out on (a great site for city happenings) for discount days, etc.
  • BYO Italian at one of many wonderful restaurants in the city. I have never been in a city where BYO is so common; I'm not sure why it's such a "thing" in Philadelphia, but I sure appreciate it! Bringing my own $7 bottle of wine makes a nice dinner out much less expensive. A couple favorites that I have tried so far include Sotto and La Viola. 
  • And of course, the great cheesesteak taste off.  We did the classic Pat's v. Geno's and to us, Pat's won hands down!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Step 24: An Inquiry Stance

Although I only just wrote to you last week about my Term IV project, the truth is I am currently deep into my work on my fifth (and final!) integrated term project. Term V is also called the Inquiry Portfolio, and the title suggests both its role as a culmination of our development throughout the year, as well as its focus on encouraging an "inquiry stance". This term largely embodies the TEP educational philosophy: that good teachers are researchers who constantly ask questions about their practice, collect data in their classrooms, and make improvements to their teaching. This also fits with my strong belief that those with firsthand experiences in the classroom should be the people making the decisions that govern the classroom - and here, too, an inquiry stance should inform policy and practice. This focus on teacher researchers is largely what drew me to Penn GSE, and it is exciting to now feel myself truly acting as one in my current classroom.

And I must thank you, blog readers, for some of the inspiration for my inquiry question. See, as I found myself reflecting on my days and weeks in the classroom (as I have done publicly here, and through more frequent journals, etc.), I realized how valuable it is to truly challenge myself to self-assess, rather than just answer the common "how was your day?" with a typical, "fine." While doing this for myself, I began to think about how I could prioritize it in my interactions with my students as well. That is, if I personally was finding that I could best cement my learning experiences through reflection, it seemed only fitting to encourage that practice in my students, too. The question that I am exploring, therefore, is along these lines (exact wording is not yet determined):

How can I facilitate meaningful self-assessment of both behavior and performance in my classroom? And why should I do it?

To investigate this question in my current classroom, I am facilitating conversations with my students about previous behaviors, and encouraging goal setting; I am giving self-assessment rubrics with  assignments; I am using a behavior monitoring chart that requires students to reflect on specific daily actions; I am tracking student behaviors and performance, and more. This research is unlike that which I grew accustomed to in my work as a research analyst where we were concerned about controlling variables, seeking pure causation, etc.; I do not for an instant believe that I will be able to truly find a cause and effect relationship through this inquiry. I do believe, however, that by trying some purposeful things in the classroom and by keeping my eyes and ears open to student responses, I can improve my practice as a teacher.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Step 23: "The Takeover"

I vividly remember a phone conversation I had just about this time last year with a then TEP student who told me that she was about to begin her 2 week instructional "takeover" of her student teaching placement. Frankly, I was in awe. The idea of fully planning for and teaching a class for two whole weeks sounded like a mammoth task that I could not imagine taking on.

Well, I'm here tonight to tell you that my 2 weeks are done! Actually, I finished my "takeover" last week before spring break ... and to be perfectly honest, I have just needed a bit of time to process the experience before writing about it.

Initially, I have to admit, the first week of my “takeover” felt pretty anticlimactic. Now, with some distance, I believe I felt this way for a couple of reasons: 1) I did gradually build up my responsibilities in the classroom, so when the "takeover" began I was not doing anything that I had never done before that week - I just did more of each thing; but also because 2) the reality of a “takeover” is not exactly as I once feared it might be. Teaching “full-time” does not exactly mean taking on the daunting responsibility of completely filling every minute of the school day for 10 days; instead, I have learned how teachers build off of existing curricular materials, facilitate independent learning time, and make other skillful, but less active plans that do not require the teacher to be “on the spot” all the time. Furthermore, we were far from alone in preparing what and how to teach during that time. For one thing, we all had material that we needed to cover based on the school’s curriculum scope and sequence. In my case, for example, I began my 2 weeks right at the beginning of the students’ unit on fractions, so naturally I led them through the math book’s lessons much like my classroom mentor would have had she been teaching them during that unit. We also had a great deal of input and support from our seminar instructors, who oversaw the development of our “Integrated Unit”, which acts as our Term IV project (see previous posts for information on Term I, II, and III projects). This unit is meant to give us experience with longer-term planning, and teaching interdisciplinary units in a full class setting. You can explore mine here, by navigating to the Term IV page. As you can see, we have come a long way from planning single subject, small group lessons and yet I really can say that we have built up to this in small enough steps that this task that originally seemed like a mountain became a really surmountable climb!

The opportunity to really be in the teacher role consistently for two weeks straight gave me a great chance to reflect on where I am now, what I’m proud of, and what I still need to work on. A few of my current takeaways include:
·       I have definitely become more comfortable overall standing up in front of the class for a lesson. I have been noticing that I approach each lesson less like a “performance” and more just as a part of my ongoing interactions with my students. I think that this shift has helped me to be more aware of students’ reactions, because I am not just delivering material to them, and to remain more flexible.
·       Speaking of behavior management, think that I am becoming increasingly comfortable with moments of discipline and had a few instances this week when I was particularly happy with the way that I was able to react not out of anger or snap judgment, but instead with firmness but also inquiry into root causes and larger meanings of student misbehavior. That said, one thing that I need to continue working on is establishing and following up on consequences, for while I am comfortable having corrective conversations with students, I don’t really know what to do as the “next step” when I begin to have the same conversations over and over again.
·       Finally, I have definitely noticed a difference in the way I am able to react to small and large “bumps” in my lessons and school days overall. I remember that as recently as in the fall, when I scrambled a set of directions, or had a challenging conversation with a student, I left school feeling the huge weight of my mistake. While I definitely believe I need to take responsibility for my mistakes, I also think that it represents progress for me to now be able shrug off small things such that I can focus on bigger issues.

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me - and please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments you might have if you are thinking about joining next year's TEP cohort! My email is

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Step 22: The "perfect storm"

 Monday, 3/14

  Losing 1 hour of the weekend
  Darker morning wake up
  Dreary rain
  Cold season
"The perfect storm"

Truly it is not usually any great stretch to "stay positive" in my reflections on this blog. I can honestly and enthusiastically say that I am enjoying my time in the classroom, experiencing real growth as a teacher, and loving the city of Philadelphia. And yet Mondays can be very hard! (And, let's be real, so can Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, or even Fridays...) This term, student teaching really is a full-time job; and along with the fantastic highs of this role, also come daily trials. Today's efforts to get students' heads up off of their desks and their brains focused on math in the late afternoon were particularly tiresome when I, myself, also would have loved a break! In these tough days, my relationships with my Classroom Mentor, Penn Mentor, and friends in my cohort are invaluable. It was actually my fantastic Penn Mentor (a retired teacher who visits me weekly to observe, provide advice, and overall act as my fairy godmother of the program) who pointed out how dramatically the cards were stacked against us yesterday - and yet she provided great solace in my day, both by helping me to strategize ways to engage my students, and also just by lending a caring and compassionate ear to my trials of the day. Similarly, it was comforting to check in with my classmates today and hear that I was not at all alone in feeling "off" yesterday. In fact, I cannot emphasize enough how important sharing the experiences of this whole year with my classmates has been. From quick texts to long library study sessions, they are always there to get me through the tough days and projects, and I couldn't dream of doing it without them!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Step 21: Teacher Networks

I am continually impressed by the number of teacher networks organized in Philadelphia. It is truly inspiring to see how a large community of teachers comes together for funding opportunities, professional development, and even just emotional support. Within the past month, I attended two events, hosted by different groups, but not at all in competition with each other. The first was the PhilaSoup Winter Brunch, where three local teachers presented on projects that they hoped to do with their students, and based on the votes of the attendees, the organizers distributed grant money to enable them! At the event, we also learned about other grant opportunities available to teachers, chatted with teachers from other schools, ate great food, and even got to take home a ream of paper (invaluable to teachers)!

Just this past week I had the cathartic experience of attending a meeting of the Action Research Group. This group, which meets at Penn but is not affiliated with any particular school, serves as a "third space" for teachers to come together to discuss research they are pursuing within their own classrooms. I was drawn to their meeting particularly after a presentation some members did at the Ethnography Forum a few weeks ago that really helped me to understand what teacher research can look like, and how valuable it can be to a classroom (more on this is an upcoming post). The meeting, however, really satisfied not only the researcher side of me, but perhaps even more so the overwhelmed grad student and prospective teacher side because it helped me focus on the "light at the end of the tunnel" so to speak. Many of the current members of the group are TEP graduates from recent years, and seeing them now as teachers, employed, and (despite daily challenges) really loving their jobs, was reinvigorating. They reminded me that each assignment I am doing this term is in service of becoming a better teacher, and that I should focus on doing these things to benefit me, not for the grade etc. This came at an important time, as I turn my attention to my final portfolio assignment. I hope to be able to use this assignment not only to sum up my work from the year for external audiences, but to give myself an opportunity to reflect on all that I have done this year!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Step 20: Advice from professionals

Tonight a panel of generous local principals visited our seminar class to speak about the qualities that they look for when hiring teachers, the things we should consider when seeking a school to work in, as well as other advice for new teachers. Although every conversation that revolves around the job search makes my stomach flip and turn with nerves, I also was encouraged and inspired by their words of advice. As all conversations around being a first year teacher go, this one largely centered around how hard the job is. Much of their advice was about the importance of self-care: "Pay attention to your triggers. Learn to recognize and moderate your responses to them," and "find some time for yourself" they encouraged us. "Be vocal about the support you need, reach out and don't wait until things pile up and you feel like you are drowning." Along with this "real talk," however, they also reminded me why the job is worth the struggle. "You must not forget how powerful you shape children's lives," one said. These are the types of conversations that I hope to check back in with as I begin this challenging career and particularly the rocky first year (or more). I feel lucky to have mentors and classmates to turn to already for support and motivation in tough times, as well as inspiration and celebration in the good moments, too!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Step 19: Understanding misunderstandings

This month, my third grade students are exploring multiplication and division, and, in the midst of memorizing their basic facts, we are also working on the order of operations. Today, while reviewing parentheses, I noticed several students stuck on the following question: 
29-(10x2) = ?
Of course, you might realize that these parentheses are unnecessary given the order of operations, however they do not yet know this, and, until the introduction of parentheses, they simply approached equations left to right. They are coming to understand now, however, that parentheses mean that you do that operation first, so most looked at this question and found the 20; however, many then got stuck. "Ms. Rachel," they said, "this isn't possible! We can't do 20-29 that doesn't work" (they don't know anything about negatives yet). I was confused why so many of them were switching these numbers, something I had never seen them struggle with in subtraction previously. But then one student explained to me, "the number from the parentheses comes first," and I got it; we had told them that what happened in the parentheses came first, and they extended that beyond the initial operation to reverse the rest of the problem. 

I bring up this moment, because it really stood out to me as an example of a misconception that makes COMPLETE sense, but does not even occur to those of us who already understand a concept. Until my student talked me through it, I had no idea why they were switching things around, and therefore did not know what part of the procedure to re-teach. I believe that the accumulation of moments like these will make me a better teacher, such that I can guard against them (or at least know what to look for) in the future. It is so impressive to me when my Classroom Mentor can anticipate these challenges that students often have, and address them before they get confused or frustrated and I am grateful for a year of student teaching to begin to build up these experiences such that I, too, can begin to do this for my students. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Step 18: Lesson planning

Looking at school calendars, it's easy to assume that teachers (like students) have a remarkable number of days off. On this eve of President's Day, however, let me tell you - tomorrow will be no vacation day. Instead, I plan to spend it lesson planning. Currently I am working on both immediate lessons that I will teach this week (two days of math, a literature circle, and possibly a day of social studies), but also looking ahead to my unit plan for what is called our "two week takeover". During that time, we are expected to not only fully lead the class for two weeks, but also to teach a unit of our own design (more on this in another post). Whether adjusting a lesson that my mentor teacher has previously created, or coming up with them on my own, I am beginning to get into a more natural habit of focusing on objectives, assessment, and then activities. This "backward planning" is proving to be valuable in ways I did not initially imagine. In particular, this style of planning has really helped me to focus on the main goal of my lesson such that, when (inevitably) things do not go exactly according to my plan in class and time flies by too quickly, or I get off track temporarily, I can double back to the objective to make sure that at least that came across clearly. For example, I recently led a math lesson on quadrangles during which I easily could have gotten lost in the weeds discussing the vocabulary of each multi-sided figure. However, I had already established, with the help of my CM, that the most important takeaway for the students was that these shapes can appear in many different forms, but that they can be identified by the number of sides and angles that they have and named by their points. During the lesson, we had some fun playing with shapes and their names (rhombus, parallelogram, etc.), but I made sure to bring it back to these main takeaways such that the vocabulary was not the focus.

Another goal of this style of lesson planning is to avoid what I believe is a stereotypically elementary lesson style of "activity-based" learning. That is, "today we cut out snowflakes, because it's winter...oh and maybe they were also practicing symmetry." This is not to say that students shouldn't get to do fun activities to supplement their learning; however, it is essential that the objective drives the activity, not vice versa. I think I'm becoming better at this process, but gosh it sure takes a lot of time! I can't imagine what it is going to be like to plan for an entire year!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Step 17: Roses, thorns, and buds

Although I have only been training as an elementary school teacher for a short amount of time, I have long been a fan of many of the group games and activities that many associate with the profession. Among my favorites, are "warm fuzzies" (yes, you really can spend time just saying nice things about people), and "roses, thorns, and buds." The latter is a version of "highs and lows" that I think positively provides space to reflect, but also to look forward to what is still to come. At the beginning of this week of student teaching and classes, I'm going to spend some time sharing with you the rose (highlight), thorn (low point), and bud (something I am looking forward to) on my mind.

Rose: I LOVE reading aloud to my kids. I think sharing a story is simultaneously a knowledge-building and community-building activity as well as just calming and fun for everyone. I plan to build a chapter book read-aloud into my classroom's schedule regularly, and I particularly like the idea of it as a way to re-group after lunch recess. In my current class, we do read-aloud once or twice a week, including before lunch on Mondays and my Classroom Mentor has been incredibly generous in handing this over to me! The 30 minutes that I get to spend with the book and the kids is frequently a highlight for me, and today was no different! My students today got particularly excited about making predictions about the story and the direction it was heading.

Thorn: I made a mistake today, and worst of all, rather than just making me look stupid (acceptable, sometimes),  it actually made one of my students feel incompetent (NEVER acceptable). What happened was, I planned a number talk for my third graders that began with two, multi-digit addition problems as we have been doing for the past few number talks. The students have been really impressing me with the strategies they share as well as the way that they listen to and build off of their classmates' strategies, and I thought that it might be time to throw in a subtraction problem. I did this, however, without floating the idea by my Classroom Mentor (the "real" teacher in the room), who knows the kids' grasp of subtraction much better than I do. The question did not completely flop - in fact, several students articulated great strategies for solving a subtraction question in their heads; however, I found myself unprepared for clarifying a complete misunderstanding of one student. As I tried, and sought other students' support in helping her out, the whole thing stretched far too long. In the end I needed to wrap it up without this student "getting it". I tried to avoid leaving her with a feeling of hopelessness by saying that we would work more on it and that she would share her solution next time; however I hate that she had to feel under the spotlight for being "wrong", and that the whole lesson dragged on so long that the other students, who were previously engaged, completely lost interest. I believe this flop today demonstrates to me the need to not only plan thoughtfully and carefully, but also to manage time well, too.

Bud: My school has Friday, as well as Monday, off for their "mid-winter break" this weekend, so this Thursday will be our class' Valentines Day celebration. Not only does this mean that I get to try my hand at a pink and red recipe, or two, but best of all IT'S PAJAMA DAY!!!!! I have not had one of these for years, and am so excited I even ordered myself a new pair of PJ's for the occasion! From group bonding games to snacks, crafts, and celebrations, I LOVE elementary school and keep finding many reasons that confirm my choice to pursue this career!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Step 16: The hunt

The topic of job hunting has been at the forefront of my mind this week; so, since I assume you, too, hope to someday find a teaching job, I'll fill you in on the ways that I have been beginning to pursue next steps with help from the Teacher Education Program.

My plans for next year are somewhat complicated right now based on personal arrangements that will be up in the air for another month or so. That said, I am starting to feel the pressure to at least start to polish my resume, begin applications, and network like crazy! On Tuesday, a representative from the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) visited our cohort to present on their application process for new teachers. While my classmates have aspirations across the country, the majority hope to stay here in Philadelphia, and many plan to apply to the district. It was really helpful to put a face to one of the readers in an otherwise intimidating process, and it was encouraging to hear that the District desires to move up the hiring timeline to secure new teachers sooner than they have in the past. SDP operates through a process called "site selection," in which the District screens applications and creates a list of eligible candidates; hiring is then turned over to principals to fill their own schools' openings. From our end, this means that we first must be "approved" by the district, and then convince individual principals that they want us on their teams. In order to facilitate connections between principals and new teachers, the District will host a variety of networking events, the first of which took place on Thursday.

While I am excited about pursuing work in the district, this week I also attended a hiring event for independent schools across the country. I have been grappling for a while with how the idea of working for a private school fits into my larger goal of improving the quality of education available to ALL students, even those whose families cannot pay for it. This spring, I believe that the private school that I am student teaching in is the best place for me to develop my own skills, such that I might be the best teacher for my students in the future. After this year, however, I believe I will still have a lot of learning to do, so I think that I am open to working in any environment where I can be most successful as I work through the multitude of struggles faced by novice teachers. Anyhow, I digress. On Saturday, I had the opportunity to speak with school leaders about my own desires as well as training as a teacher. I was pleased to realize that the curriculum and methods that I have been exposed to in both my student teaching and Penn classes were extremely relevant to what they were looking for. From Lucy Caulkins' Readers' and Writers' Workshop, to Guided Reading and Everyday Math, I was able to describe my own experiences with the programs that they use, and set myself apart as a prepared applicant as a result!

While I still have a long way to go to finding a job, this week did give me confidence that the program is setting me up well for the search. And as a first (necessary) step, I'm happy to report that I passed my credentialing test on Friday, too!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Step 15: SNOW DAY!!!!

In case you haven’t heard, the East Coast got some snow this weekend! About two feet fell in Philadelphia, which is more than the city gets on average in a whole winter. The snow has transformed the city, and although it is, admittedly, less easy to walk through the slush, everything sort of sparkles in the first snow of the year. Though I did take the Mayor’s suggestions to “just stay put” to heart and had a very lazy weekend, I also took a few short adventures out to see what was going on; I was rewarded with drink specials at City Tap House, which was full of Penn students with cabin fever, and a remarkably short line at the famous Hershel’s Deli in Reading Terminal Market on Sunday. By Sunday afternoon, the big thruways had mostly been cleared, and there were some busses running, so you can imagine my surprise when a classmate texted me the message that all teachers hold their breaths for:

Yes, that’s right, our first official snow day as teachers! And let me tell you, it is just as exciting as it was a kid. Sure, it will mean shifting around lesson plans for the week, but the luxury of extending the weekend is made so much better by the unexpected nature of the announcement. Maybe I’ll build a snowman! Or bake cookies! Or…lesson plan? I guess the day might be less carefree as it was in the past (one classmate noted that this would finally give her time to do laundry) but I’m still pretty stoked about this bonus day off!

Now the real fun begins...

Monday, January 18, 2016

Step 14: Day "on"

Last Friday, I had the wonderful experience of returning to my first graders for a mid-morning visit (we are currently in our new placements Mon-Thur and have class on Friday mornings). While I was simultaneously excited to see them again, and, admittedly, nervous that they may not demonstrate such excitement about seeing me, all of my trepedation vanished immediately upon arrival when they swarmed me on the playground. Their hugs filled me with warmth and gratitude for the role I have been able to play in their lives, and acted as a weighty reminder of the way in which a single teacher's comings and goings actually do influence the children they interact with. These students also have an ongoing impact on me, too, and Friday's visit was no different. Most immediately, they challenged me to view this long weekend for what it truly should be: a time for service and giving back. Specifically, when I asked some of them what they were planning to do on their day off, they corrected me,


Teacher Rachel, Monday is a day ON. 


As usual, my little humans, you are so right. So I took up their challenge and found a way to get involved in a local service project today. Lucky for me, and for all of us here in Philly, the Greater Philadelphia Martin Luther King Day of Service is the nation's largest organized MLK event, with volunteer activities occurring all over the city. While I cannot claim to have contributed much to this record-setting event, it did feel good to be part of it. Of course, to fully live Dr. King's dream, we must continue our service throughout the year, but on this particular day "on," it was meaningful to join my students and my new Philadelphia community in trying to make this place a bit better for everyone.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Step 13: Storytime!

When I think about the best things about teaching elementary school, most of them involve the relationships I get to build with students and the classroom community that I get to be part of. But selfishly, another aspect of it that I truly love is the chance to return to many of my favorite books and characters I had almost forgotten. Beginning this summer in our wonderful Children's Literature course, I was thrilled to surround myself with familiar "friends" from the past such as Chrysanthemum and Miss Rumphius and "meet" many new ones, too. My bookshelf is slowly filling up with picture books and early chapter books, and my holiday wishlist reflected this re-awakened love for children's stories! Stepping in to my new third grade classroom I was reminded of my voracious appetite for chapter books at that age and it is so fun to watch my students tear through series the way I once did. I am now re-reading many old favorites as I plan for literature circles that I will lead with my students, and it is both delightful to return to these stories, and also exciting to be able to share them with new audiences. So many great chilren's books are timeless in their appeal, so while I may not be able to keep up with the latest TV shows or music that my students follow, we can always connect over Ramona, Amber Brown, or other literary leads!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Step 12: Day 1, round 2!

Happy New Year! I am so excited to think that 2016 is the year when I will become a fully-credentialed teacher. Before then, however, I have the opportunity to learn from a new Classroom Mentor - this time, a 3rd grade teacher at another school in Philadelphia! Today was my first day in my new student teaching placement, and I am full of both excitement as well as some nervousness about this term. Right now, it's hard for me to believe that these unfamiliar faces will soon be students who I will know as well as those I got close to in the fall. Somehow I'll know their currently unfamiliar classroom routines consistently enough to teach them full-time in the spring (more on this later!) I hope to speed along this "getting to know you process" by spending even more time in the classroom this term. In fact, my schedule has dramatically changed this term - I will now be student teaching Monday through Thursday, and taking far fewer classes (Tuesday and Thursday evenings as well as Friday mornings only). This changes once again in March when we begin to go to our placement classrooms all five days of the week! 

In addition to student teaching and taking classes, I also need to take the PECT (Pennsylvania Educator Certification Tests) in order to become credentialed. I'm actually taking these mandatory exams next week with the hopes of passing before job application season begins. TEP is setting up a series of recruitment events this spring that should help us embark on this complicated process, and I will certainly keep you posted on it!