As individuals who, ourselves, have been through many years
of schooling, we inevitably bring to the classroom a plethora of experiences
that might affect the way we understand and subsequently teach academic
material to our students. A big emphasis of this program, therefore, involves
reflecting on and evaluating those prior experiences such that we might be able
to share the useful ones with our future students, and perhaps re-configure the
less valuable ones. The latter is most
true for me in math. I will admit that I have very high self-proclaimed math
anxiety, the roots of which I can trace back to somewhere around 9th
grade. Around this time I began to consider myself “not a
math person;” yet despite this sense, I did just fine in math courses through high school. In
college, however, my math self-esteem plummeted when I realized that my former
strategies of memorizing and replicating previous problems would no longer
suffice. Suddenly I questioned whether I had every truly learned math, and entering this program, I feared I did not have
the math knowledge to adequately and accurately teach even my elementary
How lucky I am, therefore, to have Dr. Caroline Ebby as my Math Methods professor.
Through this course so far, she has not only led me to reflect on the
limitations of my previous mathematical knowledge, but also provided scaffolded
ways to develop a more comprehensive understanding of basic mathematical
concepts. Never has this been so clear as in our recent exploration of the fundamental
meaning of our base-ten number system and it’s integral role in not only
understanding place value, but also multiplication and all the algorithms that
we were taught in order to “simplify” complex procedures. As it turns out, I believe I
skipped directly to the algorithm stage of many mathematical procedures, and
thus did not fully grasp their meaning. Dr. Ebby has helped me find the holes in my knowledge, and begin to fill them!
Furthermore, Dr. Ebby teaches with
an emphasis on strategy, rather than solution and promotes math activities such
as “number talks” which do the same. These short mental math activities prompt
students to articulate how they got to their answer, and show them that there
are many correct ways to reach a solution. I can only say that I wish I had
learned math this way initially, and am grateful both personally to be
developing these understandings now, and excited to be able to pass them along
to my students.